Propiedad-Raiz is one of the largest and most popular classified listings sites online and now your real estate listings are published automatically on Other Portals anytime you include them on this one.
We're excited to add this property portal as a network partner because we know it's a popular real estate portal and the relationship will help our clients generate more leads without wasting time uploading their real estate listings in multiple places.
There are many features offered by classifieds websites, and the newest one for attracting users is based on syndication services. This allow users to register once in the classifieds portal and publish their listings, which then are published on other local and international specialized websites.
This is possible through syndication services that are offered by companies like, sawitonline, zbestlistings...which have many syndication partners for sending listings automatically to. This kind of companies fetch and scrap the classifieds websites daily and make an XML file with a specific structure to send it to all partners according to its needs. They upload the XML file with pictures related with each listing and keep updated those.
The main advantage of this is that now is easier to find international buyers who want to invest in Colombia, buying properties in Medellin, for example, where is still easy to find properties very well located at a low Price. All these with an international broker accompany, if it is necessary.
All these shows off that Real Estate Classifieds websites offer now a wide range of services that is completed with insurance offering products, consulting, syndication services, loans, financial services, syndication services and others.
That is the target when was taken out the Real Estate portal Propiedad-Raiz at Medellin Colombia. Is a complete portfolio services for property owners who wants more than a classified and want to get the safe and best value for its home in the selling process.
We're excited to add this property portal as a network partner because we know it's a popular real estate portal and the relationship will help our clients generate more leads without wasting time uploading their real estate listings in multiple places.
There are many features offered by classifieds websites, and the newest one for attracting users is based on syndication services. This allow users to register once in the classifieds portal and publish their listings, which then are published on other local and international specialized websites.
This is possible through syndication services that are offered by companies like, sawitonline, zbestlistings...which have many syndication partners for sending listings automatically to. This kind of companies fetch and scrap the classifieds websites daily and make an XML file with a specific structure to send it to all partners according to its needs. They upload the XML file with pictures related with each listing and keep updated those.
The main advantage of this is that now is easier to find international buyers who want to invest in Colombia, buying properties in Medellin, for example, where is still easy to find properties very well located at a low Price. All these with an international broker accompany, if it is necessary.
All these shows off that Real Estate Classifieds websites offer now a wide range of services that is completed with insurance offering products, consulting, syndication services, loans, financial services, syndication services and others.
That is the target when was taken out the Real Estate portal Propiedad-Raiz at Medellin Colombia. Is a complete portfolio services for property owners who wants more than a classified and want to get the safe and best value for its home in the selling process.
About the Author:
Learn more about Real Estate Colombia. Stop by Andres Marquez Gamboa's site where you can find out all about Colombia Properties and what it can do for you.
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