Thursday, 1 August 2013

Effective Strategies To Earn More Money

By Wilson Resturbee

Anyone who is an Internet marketer knows that time is money. You know that the time you spend not working is time that you aren't getting paid for. During long lags between the sales you've made and the commission checks rolling in, this can be a bit of a drag. is a great way to bring in a quick five dollars during these "down times" in the money cycle. Consider any service you'd be willing to provide for buyers in exchange for five dollars. You will never replace your living wage doing this but it can really help you make it through slower pay periods in your Internet marketing career. Here are just a few of the services you can offer for extra income.

Write consumer website reviews. The idea is to give a cursory look at someone's website and then tell them what initial impressions the site made on you and whether or not you can see any room for improvement in the few minutes that you spent there. This will make it easier for your client to understand how the site is perceived by first-time visitors who are generally click through visitors. A high quality, in-depth review could even become a consultation or design gig.

You might even be able to parlay this teaching into a consulting or mentor kind of gig and those jobs are incredibly profitable.

Help people with some basic editing of video footage. You don't want to take on a big video because that could end up taking hours of time. A quick snip to the ends of the video and a few easy jump cuts, however, you can usually do in five or ten minutes. You'd be surprised at how many people do not know or have the ability to make simple edits like these. Getting hired for larger editing jobs is one of the possible perks of doing the gig speedily and effectively. Since they are quite a bit longer and take more time, you will earn more from these jobs but that means you can set up a nice side business for yourself to earn a little extra cash.

There are so many things that you can offer on to help you earn some extra money. Just keep your focus on services that are related to the niche you serve for best results. The nice thing about this is that you can take on these gigs in your spare time to help you earn more-you don't have to try to earn a full time income through them, they are merely supplemental!

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