Sunday 20 July 2014

4 Great Tips To Implementing Hypercolor Into Your Website

By Hollis Biddle

In the past, color was one element that was not to be played around with. If you used the wrong mixture of assorted hues, it could strain the audiences' eyes, reactions, blur their direction and showcase a viscid appearance in general. This is the reason why most designers depend on tried and tested palettes that sparked the purposed mood. Another option is the use of monochromatic patterns which when employed in a proper manner can look sophisticated, less and polished. Nevertheless, those days are too far gone! In the present time, the new trend is to adopt assorted color usage.

It is for a fact that web designers have been utilizing colors since time-in-memorial, but not as freely as they do today. Similar to color blocking trends in the world of fashion, web design also involves the use of bold, dynamic, saturated colors which are apparently conflicting with each other but literally look great overall- this marks the growth of hypercolor websites. Here is how you can incorporate hypercolor in your next web design:

1. Hi-res screens popularity - It is now possible for manufactures to compress more and more pixels per square inch of screen, unlimited tones and shades of all rainbow colors, displaying with crystal clarity on our gorgeous retina screens.

2. Diverse internet crowds - Nowadays, people of all ages and from different walks of life access the internet. Therefore designers need to respond to everyone's varied distinct tastes by assimilating an alluring blend of colors in websites- hypercolors.

3. Flat design - It would have been eye straining and too heavy to gaze at multicolored websites such as Web 2.0 back in the day which utilized a lot of shadows, gradients, textures and bubbles. The formulation of flat design has motivated web designers to place different colors beside each other in a simple, clean manner without any impediments.

4. Joyful web - Colorful websites are a reflection of the state your web is in presently; for example, there's plenty to see, share, talk about and do. Use of hypercolor can make your website look more inviting and interactive as well as reflect more bustling and happiness. For example, you can use vibrant colors to differentiate the tiles on your website or use vivid hue washes that reflect a dynamic, sporty lifestyle for sport websites or go out full on color for music or art websites.

Colorful web designs are best suited for websites. Previously people thought that color experimentation was only restricted to websites and creative apps dealing with fashion, games, photography, art and music. However, this is not the case; even websites and apps related to information provision such as the weather focus, news and health can incorporate colors in their sites. In no way does color forfeit the virtue or sovereignty of a company.

Nowadays designers are more adventurous, creative and brave with their color palettes. They have slowly deviated from the monochromatic design to the more bold, vivacious and saturated hypercolor use.

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